As a parish of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Corpus Christi Catholic Church wants to ensure that your safety while you worship with us and join with us in fellowship is at the highest level to the best of our ability.
All of our clergy and employees have an FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) Level 2 Background Screening and are regularly trained and updated on Safe Environment policies and procedures.
Any volunteers who work in ministries for children or vulnerable adults are required to undergo FDLE Level 2 Background Screening and Safe Environment training as well.
Below are some resources that will assist you with the policies and procedures of our own diocese as well as the information for Victim Assistance.
Click here for the Diocese of St. Petersburg Safe Environment Policies & Procedures
The Diocese of St. Petersburg remains committed to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People adopted by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops. All employees, persons serving in ministry, and contractor/vendors who are entrusted with the care, responsibility, or supervision of children, youth, and, or vulnerable adults are required to comply with fingerprint policy for background screening.
Further, the Diocese has established safe environment training programs for employees, volunteers and contractor/vendors serving in or servicing the parish and school communities.
Anyone who has been harmed by someone serving in ministry or knows or has reasonable suspicion that a child is being abused MUST REPORT the abuse to law enforcement or the Florida Department of Children and Families Abuse Hotline at 800-962-2873. After the report has been made to the authorities a report may be made to the diocesan Victim Assistance Minister at 1-866-407-4505 where pastoral care and counseling is available.
If the abuse is recent, first call law enforcement or the Florida Department of Children and Families Abuse Hotline at 1-800-962-2873
To report sexual abuse in the past from Church Personnel (clergy, a church employee or volunteer) or a contractor/vendor or if you are in need of assistance with a current incident, you may contact the Victim Assistance Minister, John Lambert, LCSW. He can be reached by phone at 1-866-407-4505 or by email at [email protected].
You can write to: Bishop Gregory Parkes
P.O. Box 40200
St. Petersburg, FL 33743
(Mark “CONFIDENTIAL-- FOR THE BISHOP ONLY” on the envelope)
If you are unsure about bringing a complaint or would like further information, please contact
John Lambert at 1-866-407-4505.
If the abuse occurred outside the Diocese of St. Petersburg and you now reside within the Diocese, the Office of Victim Assistance will help you bring your concerns to church officials where the abuse occurred.
We will help you obtain support by providing:
We are open to and respect your complaint. It is in a spirit of justice and compassion that we respond to your allegation. We wish to help you have a voice. We want to help you heal.
We recognize that bringing a sexual misconduct complaint to the Diocese can be a frightening consideration. That is why we have contracted with Catholic Charities, Inc to provide Victim Assistance. We want to make this process as safe as possible and will proceed at the pace that you set, respecting your need for healing. The Victim Assistance Minister will accompany you through any or all of the stages of the process according to your wishes.
We are sorry for the pain you have experienced.
Office of Victim Assistance, Diocese of St. Petersburg